Historical Security Council – (1962)

Dear delegates,
As a child I wondered why it is essential to learn from societies that are tetrameters away from
me, that is, many people live cut off from humanity, or at least that is how they manage to seem.
Until I realized that the human being is a gregarious species and cannot be isolated from
everything that surrounds him.

I once heard that the more you read, the less you shoot. Over the last few years, I have seen all
the importance of this simple phrase in our society. It is those who know about all the problems
that surround us, who will generate a change in the way we live. Those who are soaked in a sea
of articles about global and regional issues are the ones who will be able to solve these

My name is Natalia Ramirez, and today I invite you to join the group of young people around the
world, who are willing to generate a change in the future. Young people who are not afraid to
express their opinion, exploit their abilities to the fullest, and beyond that, turn their opinion into
a solution.

Just having the desire to open our minds to other borders, travel to new cultures, empathize with
other thoughts and immerse ourselves in unknown places of our own world, makes us the
so-called citizens of the world; a group of people who, beyond being informed, dare to take
action. One hundred ninety-five (195) countries, six thousand nine hundred nine (6909)
languages and more than seven (7) billion people: all sharing a species and a planet. Two

hundred thousand years of human history, but all this time was not enough to sustain peace:
conflicts continue in the International Community and there is no clue that they will end soon.
The first key to impact is to start executing it on yourself; the impact is hidden, waiting to be
found; the impact is in knowing what happens in places you have never heard of; the impact is
putting the safety of strangers before your own; the impact is in what you think it can be;
therefore, one is responsible for deciding the greatness of its impact.

For the slightest question, do not hesitate to write to me an email at
(naramirez@britishschool.edu.co), in order to guide you along the path of the United Nations
Model that you are now embarking on.

Best Wishes,

Natalia Ramirez


President Natalia Ramirez



  • Topic A: Cuban missile crisis
  • Topic B: Espionage (Current Year: 1962)

Guide: Historical Security Council Guide