United Nations Security Council

Hello Delegates,

I am Felipe Ortiz, a sophomore student in the British International School. I’ve been a fanatic for the Model United Nations for about five years now, and for a long time I was anxious to become a president. Since my first time as a president, this rush has not gone away. The rush to keep going upwards in the chain of command, the need to aspire for something greater. I look forward to keeping this excitement towards these activities, and to keep promoting and rooting for them to lead us into the future. 

I cannot be more enlivened by this committee and the boons it can come along with. As always, I expect proper communication, a fructiferous development, but mostly, for you delegates to give the best of yourselves. I expect nothing less than a hundred per cent from each of you, as I and a bunch of my friends have given our hundred per cent too.

Hope you have an amazing experience in this BISMUN X, and for you to own your voice, own your future. For the slightest question, do not hesitate to write to me an email at (fortiz@britishschool.edu.co), in order to guide you along the path of the United Nations Model that you are now embarking on.

Best of luck,

Felipe Ortiz

President Felipe Ortiz


  • Topic A: Russia vs. Ukraine
  • Topic B: Laws of war and their effect on modern military interventions.

Guide: Guide Security Council